A list of scriptures on the subject:
How the former slaves of Israel treated their own slaves:
Non-Israelites could be taken as slaves for life and their children be passed of as inheritance: Leviticus 25:44-46 compare to Leviticus 19:33-34 where it says the exact opposite.
A Hebrew slave was obligated for only six years of slavery but had to leave behind the wife his master gave him along with his children: Exodus 21:2-6.
A master was allowed to savagely beat his slave so long as he or she did not die within a day or two: Exodus 21:20-21 compare to Exodus 2:11-12.
If a slave had an eye blinded by his master he was to be set free but his master was not blinded in punishment according to the rule of an ‘eye for an eye’ that applied to other people guilty of the same crime: Exodus 21:26-27 compare to Leviticus 24:19-21.
Christian view on slavery: 1
Peter 2:18-20.